Meet the Team

Meet the TeamCT08Plan team 1


Left to right: Basil Tommy, Debra Franck, William Mayo, Yanxuan Xie, Matthew Tomasko, Alastair Graham

Sponsor: Violence Protection through Urban Upgrading Programme – Alastair Graham

The mapping team would like to thank Basil Tommy and Alastair Graham, and their respective organizations, the City of Cape Town and Violence Prevention Through Urban Upgrading, for offering their assistance as key partners in this planning process. We would also like to thank Di Womersley of the Shaster Foundation, Buyiswa Tonono, and the entire community of Monwabisi Park for welcoming and tremendously helping us. Finally, we would like to thank our tireless advisors, Scott Jiusto and Bob Hersh for having faith in our abilities to complete this project.

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