Our Partners

The Shaster Foundation

Our project was sponsored by Dianne Womersley of the Shaster Foundation.  The Shaster Foundation was founded in 2005 with the goal of providing support for community-driven and sustainable redevelopment by use of permaculture within informal settlements.  The biggest initiative of the Shaster Foundation is currently the Indlovu Project, located in Monwabisi Park, Cape Town.

Di provided constant support to us, by giving continued guidance and suggestions about where our work would be most valuable.  We typically met with her at least two or three times a week at the Indlovu Project.


Our accomplishments were made possible thanks to the generous help of many individuals and organizations.  We would like to specifically thank the following people:

  • Dianne Womersley of the Shaster Foundation
  • Buyiswa Tonono
  • Co-Researchers
  • Community of Monwabisi Park
  • Mike Tremeer and Robert Taylor of ecoBEAM
  • Berzacks
  • Our advisors, Scott Jiusto and Joseph Petruccelli
  • The Herries and Miller families for their contributions