Meet the Team

Please contact us at until May, 2011. After this date contact us using

Water and Sanitation Melanie

Melanie Donahue

  • WPI Class of 2011, Biology and Biotechnology
  • I’ve gained more than I ever expected from my time in Cape Town. Twenty-six unforgettable roommates who will be missed beyond bounds. A heightened sense of world need from an up close and personal perspective. Near expert status on toilets and solid waste composting – a reward I will not boast about often. But most importantly, an priceless cultural experience in one of the most uniquely beautiful destinations in the world.

water and sanitation blake

Blake Kelly

  • WPI Class of 2011, Actuarial Mathematics
  • Since the first day that I arrived at Monwabisi Park, I have developed a growing passion for our project and the possibilities of developing something that would better an impoverished community of men, women and especially children that we have all had the pleasure to meet and interact with. It is an extremely rewarding feeling to be able to work in a community in need, and have the opportunity to do something that is truly great. It has been a very rich and eye opening experience for me, and there are volumes to be taken away from it.

Water and Sanitation KAT

Katherine McKenna

  • WPI Class of 2010, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • I came to this project center to complete my MQP and to help change lives. In the end, it was my life that changed. We had the opportunity to work closely with a community struggling to create better circumstances for themselves, and we were able to contribute to their success. I learned a great deal during my time in Cape Town, and Monwabisi Park will forever hold a place in my heart.

Water and Sanitation Josh

Joshua Matte

  • WPI Class of 2011, Mechanical Engineering
  • This project allowed me to dive into another culture and solve real world problems in a field that I previously knew nothing about. I learned an incredible amount about the technical information related to our project, the social acceptability of our work, the culture of South Africa, group dynamics, and myself as a person. The unique atmosphere of this project centre allows mutual benefit; our work will better the lives of the people in Monwabisi Park while serving as a highly effective teaching tool for students.