Scene 4: Hendri and Harold


Last year the project in Langrug was also sponsored by the municipality of Stellenbosch. While preparing for our project in A term, we did not know where we would be working because there was some political pressure from the municipality for us to work in a different informal settlement. With the support of our sponsors, our advisors decided we will work in Langrug without the recognition and help from the municipality. Hendri and Harold, two government officials who work in different informal settlements, were actively involved in last year’s project. During our time in Langrug, we had seen Hendri a few times and thought he was avoiding us. Morgan and Ivette had the opportunity to get to know Hendri and Harold. They wish politics would not prevent them from partaking in our project.


WaSH Facility

Cast of Characters:

Morgan, Ivette, Katelyn (the Kiddies team), Hendri and Harold


After finishing up the Zwelitsha site visit and measuring trip with the working team, we wait for the return of the other half of our teams in the WaSH facility. While we are waiting Hendri and Harold arrive. They greet us and began asking about the people from last year’s Langrug projects. They pepper us with questions, and ask for updates about the students they remember fondly.

Harold and Hendri express regret that they do not know us better. They wish they could spend time with us to show us around Langrug and the other informal settlements in the area. They express regrets about the politics that keep them from working with us this year, and ensure us that if we need anything, that we shouldn’t hesitate to call them. They also promised to give us the emergency information for the area the next time they see us.


Harold and Hendri are two men, dedicated to their work in informal settlements and they obviously loved working with the team last year. Both men are grounded, caring, and interesting people. It is a shame that partnerships can be dissolved, and good work can not continue because of political disagreement.