
Objective 1: Evaluate the current state of the WaSH-UP facility, as well as the current state of the savings group in Langrug

Before our project team creates any plans for the Langrug WaSH facility, it is important to understand the current goings-on of the facility. The team will work closely with the caretakers of the facility and our sponsor, CORC, to assess the maintenance of the facility, the current roles of the caretakers and improvements that need to be made in the facility. In addition, the project team will evaluate the operations of the savings group within the community. The team will assess the institutional structure of the savings group and will explore the ways in which this group may expand to become an integrated part of the business infrastructure in the WaSH facility.

Objective 2: Explore possible business models that can be supported in the WaSH-UP facility by the community

There are various different financial and business models that are currently used to support small businesses in South Africa. Two of the possible models the team has looked into in depth are registered small businesses and co-operatives. Our team must investigate what models exist and how they can be molded to best suit the WaSH facility. Additionally, our team will look for a model that not only will financially support the community, but also will be sustainable and replicable.

Objective 3: Devise a plan to incorporate the existing community savings group into the business model of the WaSH-UP facility

Savings groups are commonly used in informal settlements as a way to generate savings for community use. After evaluating the existing savings group in Langrug, the project team will explore the ways in which the savings group can contribute to the financial sustainability of the business model selected for the WaSH facility.

Objective 4: Identify possible sources of funding to support the business model selected for the WaSH-UP facility

While the savings group may provide some financial assistance to the operations of the WaSH facility and kiosk, these contributions will not be enough to support the incorporation of the kiosk and will not be able to sustain pay for the caretakers of the facility. Our team must investigate what other sources of funding are available to small businesses. These funds may come from NGO’s, government assistance, private grants or a variety of different sources.

Objective 5: Explore management plans for the WaSH-UP facility and kiosk

In order for the WaSH facility to sustain its operations, the team must empower the caretakers and community members to work efficiently under a management structure. With the start up of a small business kiosk the project team will be introducing a new operations manual to the facility. The team will reevaluate the roles of the caretakers and adapt their responsibilities as needed. Also, new caretaker roles may be incorporated into the operations of the WaSH facility.

Objective 6: Collaborate with community members, sponsors, and project teams to implement the kiosk and WaSH-UP business plan

After re-evaluating the role of the caretakers at the WaSH-UP facility, this group will collaborate with sponsors and community leaders to implement a business plan. It will be important to communicate with all key personnel involved to assure sustainability. Our group will need to work closely with all people involved to increase the likelihood of long-term success. This communication will not simply be information but essentially an agreement that these key personnel agree with the plan that has been set forth.

Objective 7: Create a sustainable model to be used in similar facilities in other informal settlements

After a business model has been created, agreed upon, and implemented within Langrug, our group will establish a basic outline of the model to be used in other South African informal settlements. A key idea is that the business model must remain simple so that communities can focus on proper execution without any confusion. Our model for Langrug Informal Settlement will be created in a way that will allow an easy transition to settlements in a similar economic situation. Working closely with our sponsors during our project’s implementation will ensure a smoother transition and a greater chance of success.