Background Research

In preparation to undertake the project, we spent a term at school researching the background of some of the challenges faced in the community, past projects both in the community and relating to the challenges we are undertaking, and proposing possible plans to use.

Some of the bigger ideas and concepts we use to tackle the challenges we faced are Asset-Based Community Development  and Shared Action Learning.

It was also important to understand the background of Langrug, the community we worked in.

We dove deeply into the context of sanitation problems in South Africa, how it creates issues in communities, and what has been done to address it.

We also researched education in South Africa, the effects it has on health, and its effects on career development.

Because our project involves working closely with many people, we have specific ethical considerations to be aware of. Please see our ethics section to understand how we viewed these ethical considerations and how we planned to address them.

If you’re confused by our use of abbreviations, check out our acronym dictionary.

We love giving credit where credit is due, so be sure to check out our full list of references we used.