Other Community Members


      Alfred Ratana is a member of ISN and a community leader in Langrug. He is focused on improving the community and he offers great insight in discussions. Alfred is often excited to express his ideas for new ventures and projects.

FUN FACT: Alfred is quite the handy man.








Amanda 1Amanda 1, nicknamed such because she was the first Amanda in the working group, is very light-hearted. She can be hesitant in expressing her opinions but if you keep asking, Amanda 1 will share her ideas! She is very laid back and easy going.

FUN FACT: Amanda 1 loves food!









Kholeka works on construction at Zwelitsha. Sometimes Kholeka joins the team at KholekaMandela Park and at other times she joins in on Health Promoters® trainings.

FUN FACT: Kholeka has been to Europe







KhungekaKhungeka is very vocal and open in expressing her opinions. She doesn’t mind getting down and dirty, such as when she picks up greywater.

FUN FACT: Khungeka is very confident!









Mama Poto is a caretaker of the Mandela Park WaSH Facility. The children Mama Potoof the Aftercare Programme respond well to Mama Poto.

FUN FACT: Mama Poto has a teenage daughter who loves to play with kids outside the facility!






NobathembuNobathembu is the principal of a crèche in Langrug. She is very busy and is often away to places such as Cape Town for conferences and meetings. She is also a community leader.

FUN FACT: Nobathembu loves children!








Nomahala is nicknamed Hala. Because of her recent involvement with the kiosk, she was appointed the fourth caretaker for the facility!

FUN FACT: Nomahala likes jump roping and freeze pops!








Masiy was elected chairperson four and a half years ago. Trevor is very busy in the community. He was able to give an inspirational speech where he spoke about how we all are brothers and sisters regardless of our skin colors.

FUN FACT: Trevor likes playing cards.










Mama Victoria returned from a year in Eastern Cape in Week 4. She immediately resumed her Mama Victoriarole as one of the caretakers. Victoria is a reliable, positive person who is a pleasure to be around.

FUN FACT: Victoria loves clothes!







ZodwaZodwa is a co-researcher heavily involved in the Savings Group. She is honest and sometimes serious.

FUN FACT: Zodwa loves to paint her nails