Additional Partners

Fruit &FV Veg is a supermarket, with a branch located on the northwest corner of the Canterbury Street lot. Fruit & Veg has a paved parking lot of its own and rents the parking area from the City of Cape Town. Fruit & Veg was one of the first businesses to support Khulisa’s garden initiative, allowing Khulisa to use a section of the leased land for Khulisa’s Streetscape gardening program. The supermarket also pledges to buy and sell any crops cultivated in the garden.Fruit & Veg proved to be a significant player in our project given the proximity of the business to the Canterbury Street lot. Specifically, Fruit & Veg allowed us to paint a mural on one of their walls as a way to publicly promote the idea of a more inclusive and receptive space towards the street community.



Service Dining Rooms (SDR) is a soup kitchen that provides a hot meal a day to those who have low to no-income. It is located across from the Canterbury Street lot and has a strong partnership with our sponsor, Khulisa. SDR has been serving the less fortunate of Cape Town for over 75 years. SDR’s strong connection with the homeless community made them a great resource for our project as we aimed to bring recognition and validation to their clients. Ricky Marais, SDR’s programme manager, was also a great asset for us due to his vast knowledge about the area and the street community.



Lundi Mcebisi Gqwaru, commonly known as Lenny, is a young artist from the village town of Mbizana. Lenny played a very important role in our project. He created the “Tree of Life” drawing for our Gardens of Life mural and helped us re-create it on the wall at a larger scale. Lenny’s creative design truly brought together the elements that our team was trying to convey in order to foster unity among the local community, and his diligence was crucial for our mural’s success.
K+TKnobs and Tassels is an art gallery located in Cape Town. The gallery focuses on promoting new artists to help them gain recognition. During our project, we partnered with Holmes Jansen, one of the artists who works with Knobs and Tassels. Similar to Lenny, Holmes played an important part in our project as he helped us transfer and paint the mural design on the wall.