Process Narrative

The following scenes highlight some of the most important parts of our project. They include some of our first days working at the Canterbury Street lot, important meetings, and collaboration with our co-developers and the local community. The scenes tell the stories and events from specific days as they happened, documenting the backstory, cast of characters, setting, scene and reflection, and capturing the moments, feelings and reactions during our daily interactions and efforts to advance the project. In order to keep the individuals’ identities protected, many names have been changed to pseudonyms.

We hope these process narratives help you connect with and further understand the work we did in Cape Town.


Challenge of Being Outsiders:  Our initial meeting with parking lot workers and residents left us feeling unwelcome.

The Cape Town Partnership Takes the Initiative: Meeting with local landscape architect, where initial insight was gained for the future development of the lot.

Emotional Impressions: After weeks of talk, a solid plan for action emerged.

The Memorial Comes to Life: Team and co-developers collaborate to create a final memorial design.

A Wall Full of Life and Color: Through music and art, a final Gardens of Life colored design was created.

Understanding Different Perspectives: Valuable insight obtained through interviews conducted on the lot with those who park there.

Additional Scenes (Password Protected): Gain more insight into our daily collaboration and interactions with the local community members.