Project Resources

These documents were created and compiled through the duration of our project. Below are descriptions and links to each document.

WPI CTPC- Sizakuyenza IT Programme Executive Summary, PDF (1.54MB): This document sumerizes the background research, methodology, and outcomes found on this website.

Proposal for Increased Technology Access for Sizakuyenza’s Women’s Networking Group, PDF (1MB): This proposal was developed for Sizakuyenza to apply for funding, specifically for a European Union Sub-grant that promotes women’s empowerment but adaptable for other grants, to continue their venture of the Women’s Networking Group technology training program. This document includes goals, visions, programme implementation, and a comprehensive budget.

Technology Access Points of Philippi and Khayelitsha Database, PDF (918KB): This document is a compilation of the database entries created for the development of a technology access point map. These points are places where community members can access computers, printers, and the Internet either free or at cost. With these entries we hope that the Women’s Networking Group and the whole community of Philippi will see an increase in visible connectedness of their community.

Sizakuyenza Women’s Communication Lab Technology Reference Manual, PDF (6.5MB): This is a manual created for the Information Technology (IT) training program as a reference for the Women’s Networking Group to continue skill development and encourage diffusion of skills through the community. It includes topics our co-researchers identified as most important, such as computer basics, Internet navigation, Google, Gmail, Facebook, and Microsoft Word.