Scene 4: Guidance from Basil


We set up a meeting with Basil for Thursday morning, the 8th of November. We had given a copy of the outline for our proposal to Basil a few days earlier, and he had agreed to meet with us to go over it and give some feedback. The meeting was set up to take place in the MGV community centre.

Cast of Characters:  The MGV Team, Ronell Trout, Basil Tommy


We gave Basil the outline two days before we met with him. We hoped that he could use his knowledge and experience to let us know if we were heading in the right direction before we began writing the proposal. We hoped that he could tell us if the outline was organised correctly and give us some insight into what he saw as essential points to include in our proposal.

Key “Take Away” Observations:

  • It is important to create a proposal/strategic plan that is straight forward and leaves people understanding its purpose.
  • The driving range land and building may no longer have a lease, and it may be owned by the City Council.
  • Basil will be a helpful resource in the progression of our project.


We met in the MGV community centre and began the meeting. Basil told us that when people read our proposal we want them to leave with an understanding of what it is we are trying to pursue. He felt we could do this best by emphasizing the short term solutions and bringing up some potential long term ones. He then went through and gave us detail into what we should include in each section. He spoke of how the introduction should focus on giving a good description of the village. In doing so we need to highlight its main issues. Such issues include high unemployment rates, lack of daycares, and a high teenage pregnancy rate. He continued to run through each section giving insightful comments on what should be presented.

During the meeting Basil said he had heard there was currently no lease on the driving range. He said in order for the Green Light Project to obtain it from the city council, it would need to be taken over by the Parks and Recreation department. He said he would look deeper into this matter and get back to us.

The meeting ended with three main points about moving forward. The first one suggested that we develop a schedule to give us time for doing each part of the project. We also decided that to be most productive, the work needs to be split up amongst the team and a deadline needs to be set for finishing each part. We asked Basil if he would continue to work closely with us. He agreed, so we set up another meeting for next Tuesday at 10 am.

Reflection and Learning:

Basil showed us today that he will be very helpful in advancing our project. He helped give us direction in our proposal writing and encouraged us to become more organised. He also helped us begin setting deadlines for work that needs to be done. Basil will be a key player in helping us finish a well-written proposal. We are very thankful that he is willing to give us his knowledge and guidance, as we have found him to be the most helpful person we have talked to during our project work. We hope to continue to work closely with him as we progress with our project.



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