Detailed Mission and Objectives


Project Objectives

Explore possible WaSH station elements suitable for Langrug.

Our project team has been researching relevant projects that are related to our interpretation of the community centre which we will have a hand in designing. We have been specifically focusing on technical aspects as well as social considerations.

  • What: Research every possible aspect of a WaSH station that community members would want to be included. This includes things like hand washing stations, playgrounds, salons, laundry, toilets etc..
  • Why: This aspect of the project is important so that our group is fully prepared to engage with the community about all WaSH station elements. This way our team is well versed in all the possibilities available to us.
  • How: Researching past WPI projects and other relevant projects. Observing WaSH provisions in Langrug and neighboring communities.

Assist in the re-blocking process alongside members of the current re-blocking team in Langrug.

At this point we understand that there is a re-blocking team made up of four Langrug community members who have been working for the past few months on models for re-blocking within “F” section of Langrug. Upon arriving we may be assisting with the actual re-blocking process. At this point we are unsure of what this may consist of.

  • Why: Re-blocking is a re-interpretation of a setup, how to optimally use the space of Langrug. Re-blocking allows better use of the current space allowing for more accessible roads and sanitation facilities. This is important especially in terms of dealing with natural disasters that may occur within the informal settlement such as flooding and fire.
  • How: Forming a good relationship with the current re-blocking team, Langrug community members and various stakeholders.

Collaborate with stakeholders, co-researchers and community members to design plans for a community WaSH station.

Right now we are in the planning stages of how we will collaborate once we are abroad.

  • What: Incorporate input and feedback from NGO’s, the local government, co-researchers, the re-blocking team and community members while forming a design for the WaSH station. See our Cast of Characters sections for information on these parties.
  • Why: Engaging all interested parties into project development will help ensure the long term success of the project and also ensure that the project is suitable for Langrug. This will also clarify roles within the projects, as we work out who will do what and when.
  • How: A different approach will be taken to engage with each of these different parties. For example, an interactive approach where we informally present ideas and designs may be appropriate for interacting with community members, while a more formal, structured meeting is appropriate for meeting with the Municipality. See our planning pages for more information.

Finalize designs, drawings and complete a cost analysis for the proposed WaSH facility.

This step will be completed when we are in Cape Town.

  • Why: To provide a proposal for the municipality, community and future groups to implement.
  • How: Meet with the relevant parties efficiently to come up with a proposed design quickly. Meet with construction workers as soon as possible to figure out what is and is not feasible for this project.

Create a plan for building efforts, possibly begin the construction phase and create a plan for operational maintenance of facility to ensure long term sustainability.

This will be the final step in the project. Construction will hopefully start while we are abroad, and most likely be completed after our departure.

  • What: Use feedback from previous step to develop plans for the future of our design. This relates specifically to ensuring the facility is maintained and cared for after we leave. This also ensures that the design will be improved after we leave.
  • Why: Creating a plan for the future of our WaSH station will help to ensure the long-term sustainability of our design.