
water and sanitation redevelopment seed sketch square

1. The Sanitation Centre

Mapped the spatial layout and detailed the design parameters for the sanitation facility site, including the dimensions, floor plan, materials, and key features.

Water and Sanitation Urine Divergent Toilet

2. Dry Composting Sanitation System

Conceived an innovative system for improved sanitation, on-site waste treatment, and the sustainable use of end-products.

Water and Sanitation Sinks

3. Grey Water Management Scheme

Planned a grey water collection and filtered release process with recommendations for effluent testing and reuse.

Water and Sanitation Community Involvement

4. Caretaker Role and Educational Component

Outlined a description of the facility caretaker position and the community education on facilities use and hygienic practices.

Water and Sanitation Future Testing

5. Facility Testing and Future Experiments

Developed an outline of suggested facilities and system testing for operational improvements and sustainable adaptations.

Water and Sanitation testing

6. Establishing Collaborations

Assessed the extent of outside organization’s participation in the facility’s construction, operation, and management.