
In this section we profile businesses in Monwabisi Park, offering goods and services from within the community. Local businesses keep and circulate money in Monwabisi Park. Spaza shops are the most prevalent type of business in Monwabisi Park. A recent survey by another 2010 WPI project  group focusing on spaza shops (see Strengthening Spaza Shops) identified nearly one hundred spaza shops in the area. These shops, typically run out of the owners shack, provide basic foods, toiletries and other basic items for maintaining a household. Hair salons and barber shops are also widespread. They offer a variety of cutting, washing, and styling options. Some hair stylists have been formally trained, while others have picked up the skill on their own. There are at least four different supply shops outside of Monwabisi Park where the barber shops and hair salons go to purchase their supplies.
