
Throughout our project, we worked with many different people from many different organisations.  The partnerships that have been formed, both old and new, will be essential in order for our proposal for a dry sanitation facility in Zweltisha to become a reality.  This section outlines the roles these partners had in our work in Langrug, especially those of particular key players.  



Worcester Polytechnic Institute – Cape Town Project Centre


The 2013 WaSH team from WPI worked on assessing the Mandela Park facility and creating a plan for a new, dry sanitation facility in Zwelitsha.  These students spent two months researching previous water and sanitation projects prior to arriving in Cape Town.  They were able to bring a fresh perspective on how to meet the community’s WaSH needs, and facilitated new partnerships to advance the project after they left.

Community Organisation Resource Centre


CORC has been working with the Municipality of Stellenbosch and the informal settlement of Langrug for several years to help the community upgrade itself.  CORC has provided much assistance in various projects throughout the community, including efforts at re-blocking, as well as the implementation of the WaSH facility in Mandela Park.

Langrug Community

Langrug is an informal settlement in the Municipality of Stellenbosch.  Its inhabitants have been working with the local government and organisations such as CORC to upgrade its infrastructure to improve the standard of living in the settlement.

New Project Partners

Through development of our project goals we have met with new project partners. The opportunities they provide are crucial to our project and bring many new ideas to the table. These partners include:

  • The Municipality of Stallenbosch
  • Touching the Earth Lightly
  • Enviro Loo