Downloads and References

Downloadable Documents


This is the final presentation we used, as discussed in Chapter Seven.


Green Light Project Proposal (529 KB PDF Format)

This is something we made with Garden Village leaders to outline their program to someone not familiar with it.  It started as a grant proposal and has grown into the document you have now.


Executive Summary

Here is the full executive summary for our project.


Works Cited

Emmett, T. (2000). Beyond community participation? Alternative routes to civil engagement and development in South Africa. Development Southern Africa, 17(4), 501-518. doi:10.1080/03768350050173903

Galant, Sheila. “Introduction to Maitland Garden Village.” Telephone interview. 20 Sept. 2011.

Mobilizing communities : Asset building as a community development strategy (2010). In Green G. P., Goetting A. (Eds.), . Philadelphia, PA, USA: Temple University Press.

South Africa.  Strategic Development Information.City of Cape Town-Census 2001-Maitland         Garden Village.  Strategic Development Information, 11 Sept. 2011.  Web.  11 Sept.           2011.

“SWOT Analysis.”  Business Dictionary.  Business Dictionary, 2011.  Web. 15 Dec. 2011.

Wilson, N., Minkler, M., Dasho, S., Wallerstein, N., & Martin, A. C. (2008). Getting to social action: The youth empowerment strategies (YES!) project. Health Promotion Practice, 9(4), 395-403. doi:10.1177/1524839906289072